Friday, 12 December 2014

Give me my words back

People like stories

LOve is

Hello beautiful world

Every morning after I wake up, I seat on the sofa, looking at the empty cups of tea. This is my morning ritual. It makes me realise how much tea I drank last night and nothing more. Then I look out the window and there's this tree. Just looking at it makes me feel better. It's a reminder that I need to slow down, to enjoy life. It's a meditation with eyes open and in complete silence. I bet everyone from my building is seeing it. For some, it's just an obstacle to see the railway. For others, it's just the biggest tree from the garden. For the rest of us, it's the meditation tree. Again, the secret is that we don't see trees how they are, we see trees how we are. I have to get up and be part of this world today. I have to put on my lipstick, my uniform, and experience the world. It's always exciting, because every day is different. Yesterday I saw an old man with the whitest long beard at the library. He was flipping the pages of a book with black and white photographs. I don't know if he was Santa Claus, God, a homeless, a scientist or just in my head, but I wanted to go to him and give him a hug. I never did that, but it doesn't matter. Thoughts define who we are, not deeds. Thoughts influence deeds. Our thoughts shape our reality. Whatever you think in your mind hoping no one else will find out, you need to know it's not going to just stay there. Your thoughts are a projection of your desire and they will become your reality by attracting what you are thinking to happen. You can't escape who you truly are. You need to change your thoughts if they are negative, just remember who you truly are within and don't be afraid.

Sunday, 9 November 2014


Anumite stari se lipesc de tine ca gumele de mestecat de la unirii de talpa noilor tai pantofi. Sunt momente care se repeta la infinit, iar tu inca mai traiesti in ele. Zgarie nori, cascade, zambetul unui copil in 158, imagini care-ti tin mintea ocupata. Mai sunt nopti in care starile astea revin, ca niste alarme. Te trezesti si te pierzi de fiecare data mai intens ca ultima oara. Anumite parti se pierd doar ca sa revina cand esti pregatita sa le intelegi.  Altele se pierd la infinit, pentru ca nu trebuiau sa fie niciodata acolo.  Acelasi tu de infinit de ori altfel.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Thursday, 20 February 2014

The chase for perfection has forgot the beauty of making mistakes

We’re projecting each other until we’re tired of doing so. We are others ’projections and the others are our projections. However we put it, we are never left to be ourselves and we always love strangers. We are not mature enough to stop imagining behaviours more appealing to us. We can’t see the people around us as they really are. If we would, we would stop asking them how to be and accept them as they are. And they would stay with us because they would feel they don’t need to perform all sort of magic tricks. With some of them, in a weird way, we would feel complete. But there are expectations, standards, prejudices, labels, people that we can’t get over, relationships that we did not end. When we meet somebody new, we come in a package with these accessories. It is really exhausting to be better than the one that he’s trying to forget and it is completely wrong to try to prove something, anything. We should be tabula rasa and give up all the shit that’s keeping us in the past. There is a reason why you are HERE NOW with these people around you, not with others, but with these ones. There are lessons to learn. Accept them, face them, face your fears, live. A friend of mine was telling me she paid a visit to her ex who was living at that moment with his new lover and she told me how he used the same pet name with his new lover and the same habits he developed with my friend during their relationship. He kept all that kind of tenderness and gestures you are building with someone through years of coexisting. There was nothing new. Just another face, the same story. Many of us have a prototype in our mind and are looking for someone who can accomplish certain tasks, the same tasks, who can tick all our boxes, the same boxes forever and ever. It’s stupid. The whole idea is to endlessly discover yourself through someone else, not to stick to your comfort zone. We have built up skyscrapers, we are conquering other planets, we have thousands of years of existence here and we understood nothing about us because we are trying to find in other people things we already know we like instead of endlessly discovering ourselves through them. We understood nothing at all.

Sunday, 5 January 2014


 Pana sa fie gata casa, ai nevoie mai intai de ziduri. Imi amintesc uneori de tine si simt o placere vinovata ca ma bucur ca nu ti-e bine. Ma bucur. Imi amintesti de mine facand toate alegerile proaste pe care le-am refuzat. Tot eu sunt, intelegi. De-asta ma bucur. Ca vad cine puteam sa fiu. La un moment dat mi-era frica de tine, erai asa puternica si profunda. Imi vine sa rad. Si ca am iubit acelasi barbat. Am proiectat prea mult in el, filmul meu pe o amarata de suprafata. Ma uit in urma si rad si-mi dau palme.  Nu regret nimic, daca nu era el, nu eram aici si nu eram asa. Iti doresc niste umeri frumosi pe care sa plangi mai incolo, cand iti vei da seama. Asta daca mai ai vreo sansa sa te salvezi. Daca nu, inseamna ca asta era lectia ta si aici trebuia sa fii, alienata in cele mai frumoase timpuri.

Friday, 3 January 2014

ce sens are

Pana la urma ideea e ca oricate perechi de pantofi noi ti-ai lua, tot n-ai citit Camus, Hemingway sau Marquez.  M-am plictisit de pseudofilozofi care au descoperit calea spirituala si singurul lucru pentru care lupta e o boaba in weekend. Baieti, trezirea. Sunteti niste prajiti si evolutia spirituala nu inseamna sa bagi acid si dmt si sa o injuri pe maica-ta sau sa te futi in dreapta si in stanga sub pretextul iubirii universale, nu inseamna nici sa mananci legume si sa faci meditatii si in acelasi timp sa crezi ca TREBUIE SA TE ACCEPTI SI SA FACI CE SIMTI  e egal cu a-ti separa corpul de spirit printr-o sintagma idioata si in urmatoarea sa spui ca suntem de fapt energii. Corpul nu e separat de spirit, dar da, suntem energii, aici chiar bravoooo!!! Intre corp si spirit e o uniune, corpul ne ajuta sa intelegem lumea in care traim prin simturi si nu invers, si sa faci ce simti e un slogan prost de la vodafone preluat dintr-un poem din latina scris de unu Horatius.  Evolutia spirituala e o experienta care vine in TIMP, ea spre tine, printr-o serie de intamplari care te slefuiesc si fac dintr-un ciob urat ce esti un fel de piatra pretioasa si tu trebuie sa o imbratisezi si sa o cresti, nu sa o fortezi. In momentul in care o fortezi luand  chimicale, ea e mai puternica decat tine si ajunge sa te controleze, evident. A, si e si falsa. Pentru ca trebuie sa fiti pregatiti, cretinilor, ca sa intelegeti niste lucruri, ce faceti cu ele dupa ce se termina tripul? Mancati in continuare cacat unul despre altul, umpleti universul de drame ieftine si aveti impresia ca pe acid sunteti spirituali. Bravo,ma. Retarzilor. Si voi sunteti niste proaste care n-au personalitate si nicio sansa sa se ridice mai mult decat parul de pe mana mea si eu n-am par pe mana.